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Here’s to Wellness and Belonging in 2021!

We are ready to move on from the darkness of 2020. It has been a tough year and we have appreciated the ongoing collaborations through it all. As we leave 2020 behind, there was a bright spot in our studio that we wanted to share.

DAVID RUBIN Land Collective has been working at Eskenazi Health, one of the nation’s most progressive hospitals, since the founding of the studio in 2012 and prior. We have had the opportunity to envision their master plan, as well as The Matthew R. Gutwein Commonground, the Sky Farm – a productive landscape that generates 3,000-pounds of food per year – and the recently completed planning document, Design and Mission at Eskenazi Health: Guidelines for the Future. It has been, and continues to be, a long and joyful collaboration.

In 2020, we worked with the hospital to design and build a Canine and Patient Therapy Garden. The garden was configured to support the hospital’s existing canine therapy program, as well as to allow long-term patients to visit with their own dogs. It is part of Eskenazi’s commitment to holistic wellness and to ensure a sense of belonging within the community that is Marion County. We love that our work is supporting both patients and staff during this tumultuous year.

We look forward to the hard work and healing that will be needed in 2021.

Huge thanks to Todd Harper, Director of Public Affairs & Communications, and Shelly Fisher, RN, Pet Therapy Coordinator (pictured above) at Eskenazi Health for sharing these photos with us.