Publications — March 2021

Landscape Field Notes from a Post Pandemic Future

Landscape Field Notes from a Post Pandemic Future, a digital magazine launched in 2021, emerged from the crucible of the pandemic to explore this tumultuous era with a focus on the potential and power of landscape. With the goal of sparking dialogue between designers and non-designers alike, Land Collective, in collaboration with Bruce Mau Design, developed an editorial approach, a storytelling framework, and an accessible visual language designed for dialogue on Instagram. While working from home, members of our studio connected virtually to consider: In this moment, how can we empower ourselves and others, of all backgrounds, ages, and skillsets, in the context of landscape? These conversations provided space to share our anxieties, hopes, and potential solutions about issues that plagued us before the pandemic, and will remain long after. Each post is authored by many voices, with the hopes of cultivating a more balanced, just, and equitable future for our landscapes.

Click the image above to learn more.