The U.S. State Department has selected Land Collective’s Founding Principal, David A. Rubin, to join their Industry Advisory Group (AIG) for the review of new embassy designs across the globe. We are heartened that the federal government embraces Land Collective’s empathetic approach to design problem-solving, and that our great nation aspires to represent itself in a foundation of secure but uplifting environments. David joins an extraordinary group including James Burnett, Susannah Drake, Marion Weiss, among others. The complete list of new members, along with their professional bios, can be found on the OBO Industry Advisory Group Peers web page here.
From the State Department’s announcement:
The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Announces New Industry Advisory Group Appointments |
The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations’ (OBO) Industry Advisory Group (IAG) has ensured OBO is adopting the building industry’s latest concepts, methods, best practices, innovations, and ideas related to its mission to provide safe, secure, and resilient facilities for the U.S. Government since its founding in 2001.
The new 2021-2023 term appointees represent a diverse group of experts with focuses that include: architecture, construction, engineering, historic preservation, interior design, landscape architecture, portfolio management, security, sustainability, and climate security & resilience.