David Rubin News
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The Mayors’ Institute on City Design

LAND COLLECTIVE participated in the 55th National Mayors’ Institute on City Design in New Orleans, working with mayors from across the country “helping them solve their most pressing city design challenges.” David Rubin represented the studio and in conjunction with other like-minded design resource talents (Candace Damon, Julie Eizenberg, Norman Garrick, Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Doug Loescher, Stephen Luoni, and Amit Price Patel) worked with the Mayors of Anaheim, CA; Baltimore, MD; New Orleans, LA; Surprise, AZ; Burlington, VT; Hampton, VA; Madison, WI; and Spokane, WA in an intensive three-day problem-solving charrette.

The Mayors’ Institute on City Design is a National Endowment for the Arts leadership initiative in partnership with the American Architectural Foundation and the United States Conference of Mayors. For more information on the MICD program, click here.
