In an ongoing relationship of collaboration with Eskenazi Health Hospital, including informing the campus master plan, the design of The Matthew R. Gutwein Commonground, and the Canine and Patient Therapy Garden, DAVID RUBIN Land Collective was requested to document “Design and Mission at Eskenazi Hospital: Guidelines for the Future” to ensure the vision of this extraordinary public hospital remains true. This document will serve as a tool for current and future decision-makers, including but not limited to staff, caregivers, hospital administration, educators, and external consultants. It aims to provide guidance on the design of hospital and clinic buildings and landscape to ensure that future decisions are a reflection of the core values of Eskenazi Health. While the impetus for these guidelines was to document the ethos that contributed to the new Eskenazi Hospital, the recommendations included reflect the rich history of a mission-driven healthcare system and are intended to inform the future of Eskenazi Health.
This legacy project was undertaken in collaboration with Eskenazi Health leadership, and with Beyer Blinder Belle Architects and Planners.
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